Sunday, July 08, 2007

Noticiero Panamericano (infos varias)

.Ya fue inaugurado el restaurante de la Villa Olímpica: tiene capacidad para 2.250 personas y expenderá dos toneladas de comida diaria hasta el 6 de agosto.
.15.000 serán los voluntarios dedicados a los Juegos
.El Comité Olímpico de Estados Unidos emitió un comunicado pidiendo disculpas por la ofensa hecha por un miembro de su departamento de comunicaciones que colgó un cartel en el centro de prensa de los Juegos que decía: "Bienvenidos al Congo".
A continuación, el texto (en inglés)
“United States Olympic Committee Statement

The United States Olympic Committee wishes to offer a deep apology to the people of Brazil and Rio de Janeiro for the regrettable actions that were the subject of a photograph and a report in today's edition of O Globo newspaper. The actions depicted in O Globo are completely inconsistent with the expectations we have of every member of our delegation and will not be tolerated. As such, the individual involved has been disciplined and is no longer a member of the official U.S. delegation for the XV Pan American Games.

Apologies have also been extended in person to senior officials with the Brazilian Olympic Committee, CO-RIO, the Pan American Sports Organization and the Mayor of Rio de Janeiro.

We are honored to be guests in Brazil and look forward to what we know will be a spectacular Pan American Games. It is in deep gratitude that we extend our thanks to the Organizing Committee of the XV Pan American Games Rio 2007 and its thousands of volunteers for their efforts to welcome our delegation and stage this wonderful event.”

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